Published: 29. 3. 2017 Category: GNU/Linux
Ten completely useless bash commands, scripts, and one-liners
- There is a inspirational book, it is called
10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10.
Its name in bash can be written like this:
while :; do printf \\$(printf '%o' $[47+45*(RANDOM%2)]); done
You can also play with random alternation of different characters:
while :; do printf \\$(printf '%o' $[45+79*(RANDOM%2)]); done
while :; do printf \\$(printf '%o' $[123+(RANDOM%4)]); done
- In modern days, some of us missing analog TV noise. Because
it remains us the importance of universe and its creation by the big bang.
This one-liner simulates TV noise effect in your terminal:
P=(' ' █ ░ ▒ ▓);while :;do printf "\e[$[RANDOM%LINES+1];$[RANDOM%COLUMNS+1]f${P[$RANDOM%5]}";done
- Another super cool effect, at least for 80s kids is a Knight rider effect:
while :;do for i in {1..20} {19..2};do printf "\e[31;1m%${i}s \r" █;sleep 0.02;done;done
- Every Installfest provided by
Silicon Hill, we've put some strange code on T-shirts. In 2013, I have sent my
suggestion but it was not chosen because other geeks found it too weird:
A=(105557416050692 77176372792420 111263447882950 111089501671460 111298948435175)
A+=(140745122766848 140746759356416 140738707374080 140739778977792 140754249564160)
for i in ${A[@]};do echo "obase=2;ibase=10;$i"|bc;done|sed -e 's/1/ /;s/0/ /g;6i\ '
My goal was to remind years when computer magazines where printing compiled
programs as BASIC source code full of DATA commands and number sequences.
- Rot13 encoder and decoder:
echo "Nyvpr fraqf frperg zrffntr gb Obo." | tr 'a-zA-Z' 'n-za-mN-ZA-M'
This is a variant of famous Ceasar code. Every cryptography
course starts with it. Now, you can easily skip the lesson one.
- Destroy your terminal, completely:
printf "\e(0"
It enables flag for semigraphics characters display. The day before I will quit
my job I will put it into /etc/bashrc on all production servers. (To
escape semigraphics mode, reset terminal settings: tput sgr0.)
- A cat jumped on the keyboard and the result is:
Yes, and it is a really valid bash code, that can send your current
operating system session into the hell. It defines a function ':' that calls
itself twice and puts it into the background. Because each : call will
create two more processes, it will quickly eat all system resources
and your OS will hang-up and you will need to perform a hard-reset.
This script is called Shell-bomb.
- Are mathematics and bit logics functions beautiful? If your answer
is yes, I have a bad news for you: you are a nerd. So welcome to the
club and check this two-liner:
for((y=0;y<$[LINES-1];y++));do for((x=0;x<=$COLUMNS;x++));do
printf "\e[${y};${x}f\e[38;5;$[232+(x^y)%24]m\u2588";done;done
This command generates famous XOR-texture with gray scale ANSI colors.
- One of the most important POSIX signals is SIGINT, usually invoked by
pressing combination of Ctrl-c. You can simple redefine other keys as SIGINT
sender. For example Return:
stty intr $'\r'
This command is another suggestion for a prank in /etc/bashrc.
Try to fix the current shell behavior without a logout :) Big help:
you can use Ctrl-j as an alternative to Return.
- Utility called dialog is
used for textual widgets, if you need get some free-time, because your computer
is blocked with something very very important, use following command:
for i in {0..100}; do echo $i | dialog --gauge "Upgrade in progress" 10 70 0; sleep 1; done
Don't forget to prolong the sleep constant!
- Hey, index eleven in list of 10?! Yes, this is a bonus one:
curl -L
Isn't it?