Published: 20. 12. 2010   Category: GNU/Linux

BASH on fire

A question that worries shell programmers for ages was answered! How to make some classic demo effect like fire in Bourne again shell? :-) See the answer below.

Updated version (2012-JAN-17)

I was playing with the code, to made some updates. First of all, I test size of terminal with tput command. Also there are few minor changes to clean up the code, so I saved almost 100 bytes! I've tried to improve the speed, but any change is not noticeable :(

The fire effect is computed inside one big string (columns × rows) and the numbers inside the string addressing pixel palette $B. You can display this palette with:

B=(' ' '\E[0;31m.' '\E[0;31m:' '\E[1;31m+' '\E[0;33m+' '\E[1;33mU' '\E[1;33mW');
echo -e ${B[*]}

Each „pixel“ contains ANSI code for terminal color and some character to create the fading effect.

The nice description of fire algorithm can be find here.

X=`tput cols` Y=`tput lines` e=echo M=`eval $e {1..$[X*Y]}` P=`eval $e {1..$X}`;
B=(' ' '\E[0;31m.' '\E[0;31m:' '\E[1;31m+' '\E[0;33m+' '\E[1;33mU' '\E[1;33mW');
$e -e "\E[2J\E[?25l" ; while true; do p=''; for j in  $P; do p=$p$[$RANDOM%2*9];
done;O=${C:0:$[X*(Y-1)]}$p;C='' S='';for p in $M;do #  _-=[ BruXy.RegNet.CZ ]=-_
read a b c d <<< "${O:$[p+X-1]:1} ${O:$[p+X]:1} ${O:$[p+X+1]:1} ${O:$[p+X+X]:1}"
v=$[(a+b+c+d)/4] C=$C$v S=$S${B[$v]}; done; printf "\E[1;1f$S"; done  # (c) 2012


Old version

Copy and save the following code, make it executable using chmod +x and run it with parametr ./ $COLUMNS. This variable contains number of columns in current terminal window. I recommend to change the window size to see the effect in better speed.

e=echo\ -e X=$1 Y=$[(X*5)/16] M=`eval $e {1..$[X*Y]}`  ####### 
P=`eval $e {1..$X}}`;for i in $M; do S=$S"0";done;u=0;  ######
B=(" " "\E[0;31m."  "\E[0;31m:" "\E[1;31m+" "\E[0;33m+"  #####
"\E[1;33mU" "\E[1;33mW");$e "\E[2J\E[?25l";while true;do  ####
p='';for j in $P;do p=$p$[$RANDOM%2*9];done; [ $u -gt 0 ] \
&&O=${C:0:$[X*(Y-1)]}$p; [ $[u++] -eq 0 ] && O=$S$p;C=''  ####
S=''; for p in $M; do a=${O:$[p+X-1]:1} b=${O:$[p+X]:1}  #####
c=${O:$[p+X+1]:1}  d=${O:$[p+X+X]:1} v=$[ (a+b+c+d)/4]  ######
C=$C$v S=$S${B[$v]}; done; $e "\E[1;1f";$e "$S";done   #BruXy#
