ChromaPix for ALL! ================= Wants to please the amateurs SSTV, now us have a registration code for the popular program “ChromaPix”. But wanted to warn the amateurs FREE – do not show too obviously that use a registered version. I.e. in this registration number, instead of your call sign, write 1998. So if you comprise of options an banner for the upper line a mode of transmission your ID, in the right to the upper corner of sending expressing will be displayed 1998, instead of the call sign. So better this not to include, but do in any graphic editor its banner for the upper line and reflect any text on him. These measures stands to undertake, since respected authors “ChromaPix” for the registration ask 120$. Average profit of engineer in Russia forms near 150-200$ at a month. What normal radioamateur in Russia will be able send like amount? – only mad or very rich. Stays to say that this number was sent on the airwaves on the ten meter band in SSTV mode, in response to CQ. Corresponder did not send its call sign, so “benefactor” not known. Code for ChromaPix User name TRPS 1998 Serial number 19334515