Specifications INPUT/OUTPUT— ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Audio Input—20 millivolts to 3 volts; 600 ohm impedance. Audio Output—0 to 3 voits adjustable; 600 ohm impedance. Video Output—Standard TV video signal 1.4 volts p-p white positive into 75 ohms. compatible with standard S25 line CCTV monitor (625 lines in 50 Hz countries). TTY Loop Keyer Output—Transistor switched current loop keyer. CW Keyer Output—Transistor switched to round for cathode or grid-block keying. PTT Output-PTT line switched to ground during transmit. Scope Outputs—Separate discriminator outputs for osciltascope monitoring. INPUT/ OUTPUT— SIGNAL CHARACTERISTICS Baudot—7.5 unit code (1 start. 5 data. 1.5 stop) A-Z,0 to9,!" = $&°Q-: BELL: .7/: CR. LF, LTRS. FIGS, SPEEDS: 60. 66. 75. 100. 132 WPM. ASCII—110 Baud, 11 unit code (1 start. 8 data, 2 stop) A-Z Upper and Lower case, 0-9,!"° = $% "O° =-°@BELL+:0<>.77. Morse—International Morse Code. A-Z. 0 to 9, +. @::- 7, AR, AS, BT, KN, SK. SSTV Output—Crystal controlled SSTV Audio— FM 1200 Hz Sync, 1500 Hz Black. 2300 Hz White, 3.0 voits p-p (adjustable) into 600 ohm load. Horizontal sync 6 ms.. vertical sync 66 ms. Notice: The Model 800 does not receive SSTV pictures. An SSTV Scan Converter such as the Robot Model 400 is required for this purpose. TRANSMIT MODES BAUDOT. MORSE, ASCII Continuous—Transmits each character as it is entered on the keyboard. Word—Transmits whole word when space bar is depressed. Line—Transmits entire line when complete. Editing—Delete key causes backspace and erases previous character. Tune—Locks CW Keyer Output for transmitter tuning. Transmit Text Buffer—2SS characters. Automatic CR, LF—Prevents splitting of words at the end of each line (not used in Morse Mode). SSTV Display—Real time display of transmitted text. 36 or 18 characters (6 lines of 6 charac- ters or 3 lines of 6 characters). Cursors—"“Winking” cursor indicates the next character position. Line cursor indicates which portion of the display is being transmitted. Editing—Cursor controls include up. down, left. right and home to top of screen. CLEAR