Model 800 Keyboard The Robot 80 is a multimode keyboard terminal unit combining baudot, ASCII, Morse code and SSTV. The SSTV mode is transmit only and the unit is intended to be used in conjunction with model 400 and all later models to complete the transceive station, whilst at the same time enhancing the transmit features of the 400. The unit operates as a characier generator, allowing 6 lines of 6 alphanumeric characiers, or 3 lines of 6 taller characters to be typed onto an SSTV format screen. The message being typed in is displayed on the fast-scan monitor connected to the unit, whilst at the same time it is generated as a slow-scan signal and sent to the transmitter. A line cursor moves down the screen at the slow-scan rate indicating which portion of the display is being transmitted. Complete on-screen cursor controls allow the operator to change any part of the text easily and immediately, there are also carriage return/line feed, delete character and clear screen commands. Further commands give the ability to transmit only certain lines of the text instead of the whole screen and also to reverse the display from the default mode of black characters on a white background to white on black. Also built into the terminal.are a standard 6-bar grey-scale and a chequer-board pattem to assist in setting up equipment or for transmission. Robot 800C The model 800C is basically the same as the 800 but has some expanded features. The display becomes 6 lines of 8 or 3 lines of 8 characters allowing more text on the screen. A serial output is provided for colour graphics and special effects with Robot colour scan converters, with eight graphic memories and battery back-up. This completes our look at the Robot range of equipment. They have been producing SSTV equipment since 1970 and as a result have made available more models in the U.K. than any other supplier, therefore it is more likely that any second-hand equipment found will be of their manufacture. Should any problems arise with any : Robot equipment it is comforting to know that the company are only too willing to offer advice and assistance. Robot (U.K.) Ltd, Building 33, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, Derby, DE7 2SA. Telephone: 0332 812446.